LEADRIVE presented at Sino-German Engineering Alumni Conference

On May 19th & 20th, 2022 the Sino-German Engineering Alumni Conference was successfully held hybrid in Aachen, Germany and China contemporary on site and via live stream.

Vice-rector of RWTH Aachen University and former vice-rector of University of Science and Technology Beijing gave the welcome speech. Alumni of Tsinghua University, RWTH Aachen University, TU Darmstadt, Julich research center, Mannheim University, University of Göttingen, FEV China, Fraunhofer IPA and other institutes and companies took part at the event, presented their research and communicated with each other.

Mr. Marius Mechlinski, Managing Director at LEADRIVE Technology Germany, also Alumni of RWTH University, presented the company’s latest technology and product introductions: 750V/1200V silicon carbide (SiC) semiconductor power modules, 400V single and dual motor control units (inverters) and 800V SiC 3-in-1 e-Axle are being used by various global OEMs/TIER1s in xEV applications and already touched the road in passenger and commercial electric vehicles in Europe and Asia.

Mr. Marius Mechlinski announced proudly LEADRIVE’s mass production launch of its nextGen 400V dual motor control unit equipped with LEADRIVE’s latest automotive graded 750V IGBT power modules. The dual-inverter is designed for hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) applications with a dual power rating of 180kVA / 100kVA. Highlights are the extended power density of 44kVA/L and the “over-the-air” (OTA) remote flashing capability. The new inverter will be firstly applied to the SGMW (SAIC GM Wuling) “Victory” HEV version and the SGMW SUV “Asta” HEV version.

The participants had a lively interaction and exchange with Mr. Mechlinski after presentation. LEADRIVE’s rapid development, strong R&D team, and commercial success has left a deep impression on audience, although its establishment was just five years ago.

Join LEADRIVE and become a part of a technology driven R&D team with outstanding expertise in power electronics and vehicle electrification. We are constantly hiring new talents for our team in Aachen and Shanghai.


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